The Father’s House by Cury Asbury Lyrics Sometimes on this journey I get lost in my mistakes What looks to me like weakness Is a canvas...
The Ultimate by Phil Thompson ft Shana Wilson Lyrics God you have the final word The final word, in my life And God your word it’s...
Apostle Joshua Selman dropped a piece of fantastic news about the arrangements for the koinonia meetings restricted to Zaria, Nigeria. During the first Koinonia service of...
The Only God by Mairo Ese Lyrics Chorus I will declare You are the only God The only God, the only God I will declare You...
My Response by Phil Thompson ft Jubilee Worship Lyrics Verse You have rescued my life You have rescued my life And I’m never going back Chorus My...
Ololufemi translated as’ My Love’ is an expression of affection and love attributed to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, the One Who brings us salvation...
The stables of streams of Joy international located at Jubilee House KM4 Ikot Ekpene road Umahia, and headed by the anointed Man of God pastor Jerry...
Come the month of March, the city of Asaba will experience God through the hands of his ministers. This wonderful conference being convened by ‘Woship the...
Come the 13th of February 2020 the city of portHarcourt will experience a line-up of very influential speakers, converged by Dr. Stephanie Oarhe from the Heart...
The Rhema house international church together with its senior pastor, Pastor Moses Omodibo, invites all believers and non-believers to their power packed program themed 7 days...