Renowned singer-songwriter Samuel Dixon is set to release his latest single, “Most Satisfied,” featuring his signature soulful and Christ-centered sound. The song reflects on the deep...
Renowned gospel music minister Peterson Okopi, is thrilled to announce the release of his highly anticipated new single, Emi Ko Le Sai S’ope featuring Minister BBO....
Nuel Godwin is a Worship Leader, Gospel song writer, worship Leader and music director based in the United Kingdom. He has been active in the Gospel worship music...
EeZee Conceptz Global is thrilled to announce the release of the highly anticipated debut EP, “Revelation,” by the talented Gabonese-French gospel artist Grace Jocktane. Grace brings a unique blend of...
Lamb Culture Collective stands as a pioneering entertainment hub, distinguished by its dedication to talent development. This foremost African talent development outfit, founded on the 16th...
The live recording for the “African Contemporary Praise Medley” by Chuks Ukor during The Evening Praise Gospel Concert of 2023 at Life Centre in the beautiful city of Bradford, United...
Nigerian Gospel Music Minister Efe Nathan Releases Highly Anticipated Single, “Living God” Acclaimed music minister, singer, and songwriter Efe Nathan is thrilled to announce the release...
Amazing gospel music minister and songwriter, Stephanie Keri finally shares her 4-Track EP titled “Nations Rise.” The power-packed EP launches alongside a colourful video tagged “Forever...
Nigerian Gospel Music Artiste and Song Writer Oladimeji Olawunmi Releases A brand New Single Titled “God’s Image“ Download God’s Image by Oladimeji Olawunmi below God’s Image...
Vocal powerhouse Victoria Israel returns with a new sound ‘In Jesus Name’. This single follows her well received singles “ABBA FATHER” and “MAA KORIN”. Her vocal...