MUSIC + LYRICS: Yadah – Never Seen

NEVER SEEN, Yadah’s first release for the year 2024 is a song that talks about God’s unwavering faithfulness and ability to keep his promise, how true he is to his words. It is coined from Numbers 23:19 which says :
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent;
Has He said, and will He not do it?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
The believer’s confidence is in the unfailing God who has promised!
This will bless you, your friends and family!
I have never seen God fail or disappoint oh (x 2)
He keeps to every promise oh, never disappoint oh (x 2)
(Never, never)
I have never seen God fail or disappoint oh (x 2)
(He never leaves you stranded; he’ll never fail you)
He keeps to every promise oh, never disappoint oh (x 2)
(ehhh eh eh eh eh, he never disappoints, oh)
I have never seen God fail or disappoint oh (x 2)
(Never disappoint, never disappoint… ehhh eh eh eh)
He keeps to every promise oh, never disappoint oh (x 2)
(Never, never, never, never, I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, never seen my God fail or disappoint oh)
I have never seen God fail or disappoint oh (x 2)
(Never leave you stranded, he’ll never fail)
He keeps to every promise oh, never disappoint oh (x 2)
You never disappoint, no
You never disappoint
Have you seen the LORD God fail?
You never disappoint
Has he said any word that didn’t come to pass?
Has he made any promise that he didn’t bring to pass?
Has he said any word, that didn’t come to pass?
Has he ever made a promise that he didn’t, that he didn’t, he didn’t bring to pass?
Has he said any word?
Has he said any word, that didn’t come to pass?
(Has he ever said anything that he didn’t do?)
Has he made any promise that he didn’t bring to pass?
Has he said any word, that didn’t come to pass?
(Has he made any promise that he didn’t fulfil?)
Has he made any promise that he didn’t bring to pass?
Has he ever failed you?
No, no, no
Never, never
He never, never fails
Has he disappointed you?
No, no, no
Never, never
He never, never fails
He’s not a man that he should lie
No, no, no
Never, never
He never, never fails
He’ll never change his mind
No, no, no
Never, never
He never, never fails
Every of his word comes to pass
No, no, no
He’ll never fail
He’ll never disappoint you
He never, never fails
No, no, no, no
No, no, no
He never, never fails
He never, never fails
No, no, no, no
No, no, no
He never, never fails
No, no, no, no
No, no, no
He never, never fails
I have never seen God fail or disappoint oh oh oh oh oh
He has never let me stranded
Men will change their minds, but not my God
He’ll never leave you halfway
Not my God
He never disappoints oh oh oh oh oh
Never disappoints, nooo
He’ll be right there with you, every moment
He will watch every of his promise come to pass
He’ll never, ever fail
He keeps to every promise
Keeps to every promise
Keeps to every promise oh, never disappoint ohhh
Never fail or disappoint
Never fail or disappoint, oh
Never fail or disappoint
Never fail or disappoint, oh oh oh
Never fail or disappoint,
Never fail or disappoint oh
Never fail or disappoint, ohhh oh oh oh…