[Music] HolySpirit by Soltune

“I have had consistent urge to produce a record about the HOLY SPIRIT but I remember a conversation I had with him while on a trip; I said, dear precious HOLY SPIRIT, I can’t do this record without you revealing to me how to go about it. And he asked me a question that I kept pondering on while on that journey. He said’ “Who am I to you Soltune”? I remember it was after the rehearsals I had with an amazing CE choir in Edo State Nigeria, when the HOLY SPIRIT gave me the song; while recording it on my phone and thinking of the producer I was going to work with to achieve this deep revealing record, right where I was, the HOLY SPIRIT told me to look back, he pointed a guy to me and said’ that is the producer “STAVES AMAZING” @Stavescity the Rest Of this testimony is written in my book in the book of the apostles… God bless you!!! Audio + Visual link below” – Soltune