Redeemed by MOGmusic (Mp3, Lyrics & Video)

Barely two months after the release of his single “Jesus”, MOGmusic is out with yet another revival and faith-based declarative new single “Redeemed”, available now on all platforms.
The new song just as ‘Jesus’, is part of the number of live-recorded songs by MOG’s during the 2020 edition of his annual flagship worship event ‘New Wine’ at the Royal House Chapel (Ahenfie).
“Redeemed” throws the spotlight on the redemption we have received freely through the blood of Jesus by which we are now free from every form of entanglement.
After his very successful third studio album ‘Better Me‘ which contains chart-topping and award-winning hit songs such as ‘Be Lifted’, ‘Elohim‘, ‘Awesome God (Live), and more, MOG and his team are currently working on a new inspirational project which will be released soon.