Olorun Aanu by Funke Bada (Mp3 Download & Video)

Indigenous popular song minister, Funke Bada in a new video shares another new song titled “OLORUN AANU” produced by….IHP/FUNKE BADA and shot by G.O filmz.
Delivered in the Yoruba language [a language widely spoken in the Southwestern region of Nigeria], the song which translates as “God Of Mercy” in English, defines God as a merciful Father to all.
This song talks about the Arms of God being wide open to receive Sinners and backsliders anyday anytime(Isaiah 59:1-2). All you need do is acknowledge your sins, ask for forgiveness and forsake them all(chronicles 7:14)….
His blood was shed for the remission of our sins and this blood remains forever potent to wash our sins away
This song also talks about the mercy of God, no one can get to the top without the mercy of God. (Roman9:16) so then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.
No one can receive an Answer to his prayer without God’s mercy. No one can succeed in this world without God’s mercy, and no one can get to the kingdom of God without God’s mercy and so on…..
This song is going to be a blessing to you….
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