Kabash (cover) by Josh (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Joshua Nwachukwu, popularly known as “Josh” is a Nigerian gospel artist, music director and coach. Who brings the gospel in style to the churched and unchurched.
His debut track Kabash is a cover of “Rabababaeeh” originally done by The Gratitude of Coza. This is a song that emphasizes the importance of prayer. Because a praying christian is a victorious Christian.
Kabash (Cover) by Josh Lyrics
Halle Halle ha ha ha
We speak in tongues when we wanna wanna get the devil mental
We kabash in the spirit when we wanna provoke the supernatural
Most importantly,we rabababaeh…when we want to take our place by force
Ahn….(Oh God hear the cry of your children)
I want to rabababaeh
(Everybody pray Now)
Our father in heaven halloweth be thine name,
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our sins
This is our prayer to you
(There say prayer is the key to every closed door
Battles are won through prayer
The problems you face can be solved if only you can bow your knees a little while
We serve a God who listens to the cry of He’s children)
He’s ready to save you
He can heal you
He can fix you
He’s gonna bless you
He’s your source
For God is able to do exceedingly abundantly far above all you could ever think or imagine)
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