Jesus Power (Remix) by Frank Edward ft Gil Joe Nolly & Nkay

Lyrics – Jesus Power by Frank Edward ft Gil Joe, Nolly & Nkay
la la la la la la la
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (2 times)
Jesus power, Super power
Jesus power, super power
Verse 1: Frank
Imagine the people are asking,
how that we healing the people,
you pray for the person
you speaking in tongues
and the next thing the person is jumping
Jesus power, Super power
Jesus power, super power (3 times)
Verse 2: GIL
You are the power
You are the power
Let no man contest
You gat the answers
answers to questions no man can debate
you are the almighty healer
no other god is bigger
and we been praising you all day
we are thankful for the showers
of your blessing
Jesus power, Super power
Jesus power, super power (2 times)
Verse 3: Nkay
Imagine the people are asking
who’s making you fine like this oh
who’s giving you favour
on top give you mercy
who’s making you shine like this
making you dance now
making you praise
making you jubilate
giving you joy now
everyday, so follow me praise His name
we say….
Jesus power, Super power
Jesus power, super power (2 times)
Frank: bia bia bia bia bia bia Nolly (come,come,come,come, come, come Nolly)
Verse 4: Nolly
Odogwu Jesus (Powerful Jesus)
Papa Ndewo (Thank you Daddy)
A na’m ekene kwa gi (I praise you)
Aka mu dikwanu n’enu (with my hands lifted up)
Imagine the people are asking
kedu otu Pastor Chris si agwo ndi oria (how does Pastor Chris heal the sick)
Nwanne, see all the demons we are casting,
spirit in motion,
Ikuku ama n’onya, (Spirit of wonders)
Pastor Chris mee otua, ha adaa (Pastor Chris moves, demons fall)
Pastor Chris mee otua,ha awusa na ana (Pastor Chris moves, demons fall to the ground)
Eze muo (King of Spirits)
The Power of Jesus is working
The people of Jesus dey feel am
See how we burning and shining
o di fa ka magic (they feel its magic)
fa si n’ayi n’agwo zi ogwu (they said we use charm)
mehn! I guess they are right
ekpere bu ogwu m’gworo (prayer is my charm)
am living the life
Jesus Power, Super Power
Jesus power, Super power
Jesus power, super power (2 times)