How Great You Are – Iyke Davies

Lyrics – How Great You Are by Iyke Davies
I stand in wonder of your majesty
Beholding your wondrous works and all you’ve made
the mountains and the hills, the birds of the air, the fishes in the oceans singing praises to your name
You are the first and last that is your name
So much wonders of your favour and your grace lord, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
you are lord.
How great you are, how great you are
You’re the mighty God, you’re the awesome God, you’re the living God.
You made the blind eyes see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the calming of the raging storm,
Glory to the father
Glory to the son
Glory to the spirit
Glory to his name
the all sufficient God that is your name
demons tremble at the mention of your name,
every knee shall bow, every tongue confess you are lord.
How great you are, how great you are
you’re the mighty God,
you’re the awesome God,
you’re the living God.
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
that you are lord and you are God and there’s no one besides you,
because you’re greater than the greatest,
you’re stronger than the strongest,
you’re wiser than the wisest
How great you are, how great you are
you’re the mighty God,
you’re the awesome God,
you’re the living God.