Gems Of Grace Daily Devotional September 13, 2020 by Pastor Nkechi Ene

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Gems Of Grace – Daily Devotional
September 13, 2020. Pastor Nkechi
35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And the LORD had given the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. Exodus 12:35-36
When the children of Israel were to leave Egypt, God told them to collect silver and gold from the Egyptians and they did. The Bible said they spoiled or plundered the Egyptians. They took everything from the Egyptians and the Egyptians were so stunned by the plagues that had come upon them that they gave everything. Apart from that, the children of Israel asked according to the Word of God through Moses, the man of God, and the favour of God backed them. The children of Israel who had been slaves for years collected all these things and they marched into the wilderness.
Now there was a problem, an unusual problem. They were carrying all this silver and gold and they were in the wilderness and there was nowhere to spend it. They had no need to buy food for God provided food for them. He gave them manna and quails. They had no need to buy clothes and shoes at a shopping mall for God even made sure their shoes did not wear out so there was no need to replace them! He provided for them from head to toe and from inside out! He gave them everything, but they had lots of silver and gold.
Why did God give it to them? Can you imagine the frustration of having silver and gold and nowhere to spend it? For some of us when a little money comes into our hands, we race off to spend it. They marched into the wilderness and God said to them through Moses, “And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8). The reason why God gave them the silver and gold was because He needed a dwelling place.
Confession: The purpose of money is for building God a dwelling place. God has given me favour and men respond to the favour of God upon me and they give me of their money. When money comes into my hands I use it to build God a dwelling place.