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Created To Praise by Tochi Praise (Mp3 Download)



Created To Praise by Tochi Praise

Nigeria fast rising music Minister, Tochi Praise release a new song title: Created to Praise.

 The song created to praise is unadulterated, the Lord spoke these words directly to me to reiterate my purpose of existence.

I believe that there are many out there who, for whatever reason, are yet to accept their God-given assignments, and, as someone who has been in that exact position, my advice is to take up your cross and follow Him because you were created for His glory…the life we live is not ours! Hallelujah

Download Created To Praise by Tochi Praise below

Created To Praise Lyrics by Tochi Praise

He called you, He called you to praise Him
You were created, created to praise Him
Yet you’re battling with the pressures of the world..
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
You were created to praise the Lord

I will praise
in the morning I will praise
In the evening I will praise
Forever I will praise
He created all things for His glory
As long as I have breath I will praise the Lord

The essence of life is to praise Him
Pow’r-of sin is broken Jesus won us the freedom
The-Almighty is glorious in holiness
When You praise God, He’ll do fearful things,
I will forever-praise His holy name

Chorus x 2
I will praise
In the morning I will praise — – — —– ——– – – – -I will praise the Lord at all time
In the evening I will praise
Forever I will praise
He created all things for His glory – – – – — – – – — -He formed me,
As long as I have breath I will praise the Lord — – -I live to pra….ise the Lord

I will praise – – – – – – – – – — – – – – -I will praise Him
in the morning I will praise – – – – I will extol Him
In the evening I will praise – – – – great is the Lord
Forever I will praise – – — – – — —- – – – — — – and greatly to be praised

He created all things for His pleasure – – – – -Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
As long as I have breath I will praise the Lord – -Magnify His holy name with me

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