Already Won by Jide Williams (Mp3, Video & Lyrics)

Off the heels of the new groove song ‘Sing Praises’ and a worship tune ‘Jesus’ Jide Williams is out with Already Won. A song of the spirit that expresses the victory we have in Christ Jesus.
More than just an expression, Already won is a victory chant that builds an atmosphere of deep fellowship with the Father.
Speaking on the new single, Jide said, Already Won is a declaration that we Christians have as we shout from the victory side of life.
Already Won is just beyond a song, it’s an anthem and will boost your prayer life and fellowship. The song is also coming with a live visual.
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Video: Already Won by Jide Williams
Already Won by Jide Williams Lyrics
Who is this the king of glory
That all boundaries are invisible to Him
The Lord is strong, He’s a mighty savior He has conquered and won the victory
Whom shall I fear in times of trouble when there’s an army of angels round about. The Lord is strong and He is a mighty warrior
He has conquered and won the victory.
I am not defeated
I will rise in victory
Because I know that I’ve already won
I’m not afraid anymore
I have overcome
In the name of the risen King.
Who has the power to heal the sick
Who has the power to calm the storms
Who has the power to restore your peace
The king of glory is His name
Chorus 2
I’ve already won